Disorders such as joint pain, arthritis, low back pain, neck pain, back pain and neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy and spinal cord paralysis are within the scope of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic. The literal meaning of physical therapy is to repair.
In other words, it is a method of treating various ailments with instruments that affect the joints and soft tissues. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation are applied in order to ensure that various parts or organs of the body, which have lost their function after an accident, regain their former functions. Physical Medicine is a method applied externally. The aim is to reduce pain and maintain joint range of motion and to remove obstacles in the daily life of the individual.
Treatment is done in sessions. A total of 15 - 20 sessions of 1 - 1.5 hours are applied. If a patient undergoing physical therapy has joint limitation, some movements performed by the physiotherapist may cause mild pain in the problem area.
Physical medicine is used not only in the treatment of pain, but also in the correction of the deteriorated musculoskeletal system mechanism.
The type of treatment applied to reintegrate people with disabilities into society is called rehabilitation. The rehabilitation treatment team includes people such as physical therapist, physiotherapist, psychologist and social worker. Rehabilitation is a longer process than Physical Medicine.

Our Services
Treatment of neck, back and waist pains, neck and waist hernias and joint arthrosis
Treatment of pain in the shoulder, arm and leg joints
Treatment of rheumatic diseases
Diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis disease
In order to return the athlete to sports as soon as possible after a sports injury, therapeutic and
preventive rehabilitation treatments
Orthopedic diseases (especially fractures and dislocations, knee meniscus and ligament diseases) and
Rehabilitation treatment before and after orthopedic operations such as arthroplasty
Rehabilitation practices after hand surgery
Rehabilitation of paralysis in arms and legs caused by stroke, brain damage and spinal cord injuries
Physical therapy and rehabilitation applications after peripheral nerve injuries and facial palsy
Magnetic field therapy for pain

Ozone Therapy
Neural Therapy
Dry Needling
Kinesiology Taping
Mesotherapy (For Pain)
Exercise Prescribing

Our Doctors

Cihan Jarrar

M.D. Cihan Jarrar

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Sakarya Hospital

Hanife Düzgün Çelik

M.D. Hanife Düzgün Çelik

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Sakarya Hospital

İsmail  Binbir

M.D. İsmail Binbir

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Gölcük Hospital

Oya Kaya

M.D. Oya Kaya

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Gölcük Hospital

Zeliha Eğilmez

M.D. Zeliha Eğilmez

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Sakarya Hospital