Surgery, which is one of the oldest branches of medicine, is based on the principle of surgical repair of diseases, injuries, structural defects in the body that cannot be cured by drugs or other treatment methods, or the natural and appropriate transformation of the diseased organ by cutting out.

While it was the area where all interventions and surgeries were performed under the name of "External Disease" in the past, General Surgery, which gave birth to many surgical branches as a result of the development of medicine, is today a branch of surgical medicine that deals with certain regions and diseases.

Our services;
Inguinal and umbilical hernias
Goiter and other thyroid gland diseases surgery
Breast diseases and current surgery (sentinel lymph node biopsy)
Hemorrhoids and other anal region diseases
Varicose veins, surgeries and sclerotherapy
All masses under the skin and under the skin
Pilpnidal Sinus
Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen and Pancreas diseases and surgery
Mass and cystic formations on the scalp

Our Doctors


Opr. Dr. Fahri YILMAZ

General Surgery

Gölcük Hospital

Hakan Sarsılmaz

Opr. Dr. Hakan Sarsılmaz

General Surgery

Gölcük Hospital

İhsan Pekrü

Opr. Dr. İhsan Pekrü

General Surgery

Gölcük Hospital